
GUNZIP Command in unix

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Gunzip command in UNIX:

This command is used to un-compress the files which are compressed using gzip command.

Example for Gunzip command in UNIX:

gunzip bigfile.txt.gz

After un-compressing the file using “gunzip” command, the file becomes to original size.

Other UNIX Commands:

Below are the list of basic UNIX commands used in UNIX operation system.

1. ls Command in Unix
2. Man Command in Unix
3. More Command in Unix
4. Vi or View Command in Unix
5. Touch Command in Unix
6. Mv Command in Unix
7. Cp Command in Unix
8. Rm Command in Unix
9. Cat Command in Unix
10. Diff Command in Unix
11. Wc Command in Unix
12. Chmod Command in Unix
13. Gzip Command in Unix
14. Gzcat Command in Unix
15. Gunzip Command in Unix
16. Directories Command in Unix

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